Your story full of puzzles
Sarat derita mengundang curiga pada diri
Filled with agony tempting hesitation
Belum habis kau hela nafas lega
Before you have a chance to catch a breath
Kembali ditampar sengsara
Again you hit by misery
Puas kau mengeluh tanpa sudah
Yet you fed up with endless groan
Engkau masih pejuang
You still a fighter
Berwajah ceria di balik resah
With a cheerful face despite your sorrow
Kerana masih kau yakin pada Pengatur cerita
Still you have faith towards the author
Nan mahakarya
Of this masterpiece
Episod lara ini hanya secebis karya-Nya
This miserable episode is a part of His piece
Mengajar kau percaya “it’s okay to not be okay”
So you believe "it's okay to not be okay"
Sempurna serpihan teka-teki hidupmu
How great the pieces of your life puzzle
Diiring babak air mata duka
Made up of painful scenes
Tak mengapa kau bersedih di pertengahannya
It's alright to feel sad at the midway
Engkau masih pejuang
You still a fighter
Demi pengakhiran cerita bahagia
For a happy ending story
Kerana bayarannya derita bahkan air mata
Because suffering and tears are the price
Hingga hujungnya mahakarya
Till the masterpiece ending
Derita itu laksana pasir jerlus
Suffering is like quicksand
Yang menarik tubuh
Sinking the body
Semakin bergelut semakin membenam
It pulls you deeper as you keep struggling
Hanya kau perlukan sedikit ruang waktu
dan utuh serahanmu
You only need a moment and strong reliance
Pada Sang Pengatur mahakarya
Towards the author of the masterpiece